Written Work


Primary Sources 

Citation: Andropov, IU. “Memorandum on Chernobyl Construction.” Memorandum on Chernobyl Construction, 21 Feb. 1979, 

Annotation: This website gave use critical information about the extensive flaws on how the reactor was built. It gave us a document the read about how the measurements were not right. 

Citation: Borys, Christian. “A Vast New Tomb for the Most Dangerous Waste in the World.” BBC Future, BBC, 3 Jan. 2017, 

Annotation: This site gave me a quote from a former liquidator, showing some inside on what a liquidator's job was like. 

Citation: Central Intelligence Agency, "Radiation Contamination after the Chernobyl Disaster," Making the History of 1989, Item #173, http://chnm.gmu.edu/1989/items/show/173 (accessed November 1 8 2019, 7:42 pm). 

Annotation: This website gave background information about how the land and people were affected after the disaster. The website also listed examples of how the Soviet Union faced barriers after the accident. 

Citation: “Liquidators.” The Chernobyl Gallery, 28 July 2019, 

Annotation: This website has quotes and pictures that help. It also had graphs with other information on it. The information it had was how many liquidators there were through the years. 

Citation: “16 May 1986, 4 - The Santa Fe New Mexican at Newspapers.com.” Newspapers.com, The Santa Fe New Mexican, 16 May 1986, newscomwc.newspapers.com/image/583173229/?terms=Alexei%2BAnanenko&pqsid=vfvfvGcSshGG_fGBA_xb_g%3A59000%3A650158746. 

Annotation: This article gave us firsthand accounts from liquidators that were part of the cleanup. It helped up understand how rigors the cleanup was. 

Secondary Sources 

Citation: “‘An Explosion Occurred in Power Unit No. 4’: The Story of Chernobyl in Documents.” Wilson Center, 26 Apr. 2019, www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/explosion-occurred-power-unit-no-4-the-story-chernobyl-documents. 

Annotation: This website gave us information about how the Chernobyl accident happed 

Citation: NRC. “Backgrounder on Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident.” United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment, 2018, www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/fact-sheets/chernobyl-bg.html#back. 

Annotation: This website gave information of how radiation affected people and who all was affected by radiation. 

Citation: “Chapter IV Dose Estimates*.” Chapter IV Dose Estimates - Chernobyl: Assessment of Radiological and Health Impact, www.oecd-nea.org/rp/chernobyl/c04.html

Annotation: This website gave us information on the effects on the radiation, what types of radiation was released and how it affected people. 

Citation: "Chernobyl disaster." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 18 Apr. 2019. school.eb.com/levels/high/article/Chernobyl-disaster/23843. Accessed 7 Nov. 2019. 

Annotation: This website gave much information on the actual event of Chernobyl and information behind that day. 

Citation: “Chernobyl Accident and Its Consequences.” Nuclear Energy Institute, 1 May 2019, www.nei.org/resources/fact-sheets/chernobyl-accident-and-its-consequences  

Annotation:  Information is from the Nuclear Energy Institiute. More Background information. 

Citation: “Chernobyl Liquidators.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Nov. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_liquidators. 

Annotation: This website gave us information on who was involved in the cleanup of the Chernobyl accident. 

Fox, Wild. “Chernobyl Clean up Operation in Pripyat Following the Chernobyl Accident.” Chernobylplace, 5 Mar. 2018, chernobylplace.com/chernobyl-clean-up/. 

Annotation: This website gave Information about the effects on the surrounding city.

Citation: Higginbotham, Adam. “Life in Pripyat Before, And the Morning After, the Chernobyl Disaster.” Atlas Obscura, Atlas Obscura, 2 Jan. 2020, www.atlasobscura.com/articles/chernobyl-pripyat-before-disaster. 

Annotation: This website showed us how much life changed after accident and what the conditions in the city are like.

Citation: History.com Editors. “Chernobyl.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 24 Apr. 2018, www.history.com/topics/1980s/chernobyl.  

Annotation: This website gave information about everything that happened at Chernobyl. The accident, radiation spread, the sarchophogus, liquidators, death count, etc.

Citation: Yaroshinskaya, Alla. “Top Secret Chernobyl: The Nuclear Disaster through the Eyes of The.” National Security Archive, 2019, nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/nunn-lugar-russia-programs/2019-08-15/top-secret-chernobyl-nuclear-disaster-through-eyes-soviet-politburo-kgb-us-intelligence. 

Annotation: This website gave us information on how different governments viewed the accident.

Citation: Hinman, Rose. “28 Newly Translated Documents on Chernobyl, 1973-1991.” Wilson Center, www.wilsoncenter.org/blog-post/28-newly-translated-documents-chernobyl-1973-1991

Annotation: This website gave links to various documents of how Chernobyl was built, the accident, and the cleanup process.


Citation: Kay, Andy, Pripyat, 2014, Pripyat, Ukraine, Behind Closed Doors, February 5, 2020.  

Annotation: Present day pictures of Pripyat. 

Citation: Neyburg, Edward, Reactor No. 4 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Chernobyl, Ukraine, getty image February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of Chernobyl with its original sarcophagus. 

Citation: Kostin, Igor, Chernobyl-The Aftermath, April 27, 1986, Pripyat Ukraine, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of busses leaving Pripyat after the accident. 

Citation: August 5, 1986, Chernobyl, Ukraine, getty image, February 

 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of what Chernobyl looked like after the accident and then when the finial sarcophagus was set on. 

Citation: May 15, 1998, Ukraine-Chernobyl-Nuclear Accident, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of a helicopter dropping material onto radioactive material. 

Citation: Kostin, Igor, Chernobyl-The Aftermath, March 1, 1990, Chernobyl Ukraine, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of Liquidators clearing what was left of reactor No. 4. 

Citation: Kostin Igor, Chernobyl-The Aftermath, March 1, 1990, Chernobyl Ukraine, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of Liquidators lined up. 

Citation: V. Lysenko, Facility Control Desk of Reactor 1 at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant 1978, January 23, 1978, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of what the reactor No. 4’s control desk would have looked like. 

Citation: Kostin, Igor, Chernobyl-The Aftermath, March 1, 1990, Chernobyl Ukraine, getty image, February 2, 2020. 

This is a picture of workers going back to the other 3 reactors of Chernobyl after the accident. 

Citation: Combo-Ukraine-Energy-Nuclear, April 24, 2018, Chernobyl, Ukraine, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of what Chernobyl looked like after the sarcophagus was set into place 

Citation: Ukraine-Chernobyl-Energy-Nuclear, July 10, 2019, Chernobyl Ukraine, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of the Chernobyl Liquidator Monument. 

Citation: Kostin Igor, Chernobyl-The Aftermath, March 1, 1990, Chernobyl Ukraine, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of the fire fighters. 

Citation: Chernobyl aps, Ukraine, USSR, Cement Mixers Loading up to Deliver Cement to the Cite of the Accident, June 1988, January 2, 1986, Chernobyl Ukraine, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of the cement trucks taking cement to build the first sarcophagus.  

Citation: Kosten, Igor, Chernobyl-The Aftermath, March 1, 1990, Chernobyl Ukraine, getty image, February5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of a cow that got radiation poisoning.  

Citation: Taken in 2003 shows the Kassoha Dump January 1, 2003, Chernobyl Ukraine, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of the vehicle's used at Chernobyl that are highly radioactive. 

Citation: Landmann, Patrick, UKR:Chernobyl, June 1, 1998, Chernobyl, Ukraine, getty image, Feburary 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of what the radiation did to the forest. 

Citation: Gallup Sean, The Chernobyl Legacy: he Liquidators, April6, 2016, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of 3 liquidators with one still living. 

Citation: Kostin, Igor, Chernobyl-The Aftermath, March 1, 1990, Chernobyl Ukraine, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of what was left of the roof of reactor No. 4. 

Citation: Full Frame Shot of Gas Mask-Stock photo, Pripyat Ukraine, getty image, February 5, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a picture of the mass amounts of gas masks that were left behind. 

Citation: Anatoly Bilnkov with a group of liquidators, Chernobyl Ukraine, 25.worldpass.com, February 6, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a group of Liquidators. 

Citation: Mahajan, Goku, Chernobyl-Disaster 1998 PPT, slideshare.net, February 6, 2020 

Annotation: This is a picture of before and after Chernobyl. 

Citation: Soviet Military Badge Awarded to Liquidators, Wikipedia, February 6, 2020. 

Annotation: This is a photo of medals given to Liquidators. 

Citation: Distribution of radioactive material released after Chernobyl, EPthinktank.com, February 6, 2020. 

Annotation: This photo gave use knowledge on how radiation spread after Chernobyl.